Eveniment: FOCUS ON FILM, tema “Portrayals of the Quest”, 11-13 decembrie 2015, Amfiteatrul Titu Maiorescu, Facultatea de Filosofie (Splaiul Independentei, 204)
Grupul de studiu Visual Culture al Facultăţii de Filosofie şi Asociaţia Studențească Philos vă invită, timp de trei zile, între 11 si 13 decembrie, la evenimentul Focus on Film, ce va avea loc in amfiteatrul Titu Maiorescu al Facultății de Filosofie. Evenimentul îşi propune să aducă artişti din domeniul artei cinematografice, care să familiarizeze participanţii cu procesul realizării proiectelor de acest tip.
Vor avea loc proiecţii de film, ateliere, discuții, prezentări tematice despre cinematografie și lumea din spatele ei dar şi o expoziţie de fotografie. Astfel, dorim să atragem atenţia asupra a trei componente ale artei video: crearea unui concept, elaborarea scenariului care susține vizual conceptul și producția. Atenţia va fi îndreptată atât către actul artistic, cât şi către experienţa estetică.***The Visual Culture Group and the Philos Student Association invites you, for three days between the 11th and 13th of December, at the Focus on Film event which will take place in the Titu Maiorescu Amphitheatre at the Faculty of Philosophy. The event aims to bring artists from art cinema to familiarize participants with the implementation of projects of this type.
There will be film screenings, workshops, discussions, thematic presentations about cinema and the world behind it and a photo exhibition. Thus, we want to draw attention to three components of video art: the creation of a concept, scenario development which supports visual design and production. Attention will be directed to both the artistic act and the aesthetic experience.
Vor avea loc proiecţii de film, ateliere, discuții, prezentări tematice despre cinematografie și lumea din spatele ei dar şi o expoziţie de fotografie. Astfel, dorim să atragem atenţia asupra a trei componente ale artei video: crearea unui concept, elaborarea scenariului care susține vizual conceptul și producția. Atenţia va fi îndreptată atât către actul artistic, cât şi către experienţa estetică.***The Visual Culture Group and the Philos Student Association invites you, for three days between the 11th and 13th of December, at the Focus on Film event which will take place in the Titu Maiorescu Amphitheatre at the Faculty of Philosophy. The event aims to bring artists from art cinema to familiarize participants with the implementation of projects of this type.
There will be film screenings, workshops, discussions, thematic presentations about cinema and the world behind it and a photo exhibition. Thus, we want to draw attention to three components of video art: the creation of a concept, scenario development which supports visual design and production. Attention will be directed to both the artistic act and the aesthetic experience.
Fri. 11 dec.
17.30 Opening
18.00 – 20.00 screening “The Bucharest Experiment”, Tom Wilson, România, 2013, 68 min and Artist Talk with Tom Wilson (En.)
20.30 Dinner @ Vişini Hub
Sat. 12 dec. „Show me how it’s done!”13.00 – 17.00 Show me how it’s done – short movies, workshops and talks by Vlad Constantin, Vladimir Cretulescu and Mihai Fulger. Presentation of the Cinetic Research Centre (Ro.)
17.00 – 17.30 Coffee break and Exhibition Opening – Vladimir Simion – Boeriu (Ro./En.)
17.30 – 20.00 screening “Pop-Up”, Stuart McBratney, Australia-România, 2015, 90 min and Artist Talk with Stuart McBratney (En.)
20.30 Dinner @ Vişini HubSun. 13 dec. „Tell me how it’s done!”
17.00 – 17.30 Coffee break and Exhibition Opening – Vladimir Simion – Boeriu (Ro./En.)
17.30 – 20.00 screening “Pop-Up”, Stuart McBratney, Australia-România, 2015, 90 min and Artist Talk with Stuart McBratney (En.)
20.30 Dinner @ Vişini HubSun. 13 dec. „Tell me how it’s done!”
13.00 – 13.45 – Stage Designer’s Stories, Bogdan Mosorescu (talk, En.)
13.45 – 14.00 – Coffee Break
14.00 – 16.00 – Microbudget Movie Making, Stuart McBratney, University of Newcastle, Australia (workshop, En.)
16.00 – 19.30 – Portrete ale căutării: Radu Igazsag (workshop and film screenings, Ro.)
20.30 Dinner and Closing Party @ Visini Hub
Free entrance
Pagina grupului Visual Culture FB.com/visualculture.
Pagina evenimentului: fb.com//events/422035864662734/